1Always warm up before you sing. Ariana may be an international singing sensation, but she still does warm-ups! Clear your throat by drinking water or tea, then stand up, breathe deeply, and begin. Do tongue trills, buzzing, and humming to open up your mouth and throat. Next try some scales. Go up and down your current range a couple of times, singing as much from your diaphragm as possible. Try an octave higher if you want to improve your range (you might have to use your head voice for this). Finally, do a couple of top-to-bottom vocalizations, where you pick a sound like "ooh" or "ah" and take it from the highest note you can sing to the lowest.
- Ariana likes to do these kinds of vocalizations in her warm-ups. She also likes to do scales with words that have open vowel sounds, such as "woozy" (as seen here).
- If you can't do some of these exercises, don't strain yourself—you don't want to hurt your voice!
2Work on your range. Again, the best way to do this is by singing scales, and trying to go slightly higher or lower than you have before. You should "slide" your voice up and down the scale rather than trying to make each note distinct. This will allow you to reach notes more easily without overextending your voice. Remember, if you can feel your throat starting to hurt or hear your voice starting to crack, stop what you're doing and try again later! Sometimes it really helps to take a break, especially when you've been trying to hit a certain note for a long time.
3Belt it out! Hitting the notes is one thing, but if you want to be a true powerhouse singer like Ariana, you have to sing them loud and proud. Ariana actually has a lyric soprano voice, which is a light timbre, but she has practiced enough that she can still belt pretty forcefully. So practice belting whenever you have the opportunity, especially if you have a light voice. Keep your jaw relaxed and your breathing controlled while singing as powerfully as you can. With practice, you should be able to belt a standard musical scale several times over without taking a breath.
4Sing whistle tones. After you've mastered (or at least attempted to master) the art of belting, combine that skill with super-high notes—notes so high they sound like whistling, hence the name. You really have to have an open throat for this, so make sure you're sufficiently warmed up. Try to vocalize as high as you can without your voice giving out. This can be extremely difficult for altos and light timbres, because it takes a lot of effort to create a sound that high, even though it might not seem that way. Just be persistent and your whistle tones will follow!
- If you want to hear Ariana singing whistle tones, listen to the beginning of "Right There" or the third chorus of "The Way" (around the 3:10 mark she uses whistle tones to harmonize with the main lyrics).
5Do vocal gymnastics. Whistle tones are challenging, but they're not as fast-paced as the vocal ups and downs that Ariana tumbles through in some of her songs. Listen to "Problem" and "Tattooed Heart" for good examples of vocal gymnastics, in which Ariana goes from low notes to very high notes in a matter of seconds. Once you can do her part from the chorus in "Problem" (Head in the clouds, got no weight on my shoulders, etc.) without any trouble, you can consider yourself an excellent vocal gymnast
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